Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cross-site scripting and a simple solution

Most of us hardly give security vulnerabilities any consideration when creating a web-application. It's something that takes care of itself right? Mostly we get away with it because our applications may not be affected the moment it goes live. So it becomes a habit to ignore taking care of it.

But its a ticking time-bomb. Its strange because the cost associated with additional security considerations are negligible compared to the losses that can arise when the application is actually comprised!

One such vulnerability is XSS or Cross-site scripting. It comes out at number 1 for the second time running in the OWASP Top 10 2007 .

XSS accounts for 80% of today's Internet security vulnerabilities says one source.

First, let's learn about our adversary. XSS vulnerabilities can be categorized into three distinct types. Each of these can be exposed in a variety of ways - this is only limited by the imagination of the attacker.

  • DOM-based XSS vulnerability is when the problem exists in the page's client script itself. This shouldn't happen unless your web-application itself is hijacked by a malicious attacker who then adds script that attack "safe" standard local HTML pages (that are usually installed with most applications, including IE). What can be done about it falls more into the scope of a system administrator. The other 2 are our responsibility...

  • Non-Persistent or Reflected vulnerability is the most common type of XSS. This is seen easily when there are inputs by the client into a web-page and this is displayed on a page returned by the server. Basically, this would mean that only the user who makes the inputs are affected.

  • Then there's Persistent or Second-order or Stored XSS. This is when the impacted data is stored on the server (file/database/LDAP/etc) - it is the most dangerous kind as it can affect any user to whom the compromised data gets displayed to.
How does all that sound to those of us who copy/paste a few snippets to address XSS (add code to ensure that no < or > make it through our inout fields, etc.) - although the solution seems to be a matter of restricting user input (or our output), we are all not exactly security experts to know about the dangers (never mind that the experts themselves are having a tought time).

This is where we can use library/frameworks developed by those who know the range of attacks out there.

One such tool is Antisamy, an open-source free library from OWASP.
Antisamy can be used to verify that provided input (submitted by the user for example) does not contain any XSS vulnerability. It's highly configurable using XML files so that you can decide the amount of security you need for your inputs.
And the best part is that it generates user-friendly responses pointing out the vulnerability which can be shown to the user.

See below code showing how easy it is to use:
* @throws PolicyException
* @throws ScanException
* @throws IOException
public static void testAntiSamy() throws PolicyException, ScanException, IOException {
// Create a sample input, inputString, that can have malicious code as well safe parts.
String inputString = null;
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append("This is all normal text.\n");
buf.append("But suddenly out of the blue...\n");
buf.append("An eveil laughter crackles in the cold night...\n");
buf.append("Did you hear that??!!\n");
buf.append("How about this twisted one: <SCRIPT>alert(\"HAHAHA\");</SCRIPT><SCRIPT>alert(\"HAHAHA\");</SCRIPT><SCRIPT>alert(\"HAHAHA\");</SCRIPT><SCRIPT>alert(\"HAHAHA\");</SCRIPT>\n");
buf.append("Or this eveil smile!!! <IMG SRC=\"javascript:alert('XSS');\" />\n");
buf.append("Its actually worse than the laugh right? Right?\n");
buf.append("ok ok. Heres a normal smile <IMG SRC='javascript' />\n");
buf.append("Hows that!");
inputString = buf.toString(); // //readFile1("Antisamy/Other/SampleInput.htm");
System.out.println("Original input:");

// Use the predefined Antisamy policy file and apply this on the inputString
Policy policy = Policy.getInstance("Antisamy/Sample_policies/antisamy-anythinggoes-1.2.xml");
AntiSamy as = new AntiSamy(policy);
CleanResults cr = as.scan(inputString);

// Display cleaned input using getCleanHTML() of CleanResults.
System.out.println("\nCorrected output:");

//Display the errors encountered in the input using getErrorMessages()
System.out.println("\nError Messages:");
Java Sourcecode to HTML automatically converted code (Java2Html Converter 5.0 [2006-03-04])
by Markus Gebhard markus@jave.de
Further information: http://www.java2html.de/

So it's just a matter of taking the input and validating it based on the rules specified in the xml file through the CleanResults class. There are so many useful methods in this class - get all the details by downloading javadocs (get the source too) alongwith the library (make sure you have not just the main Antisamy library but also the supporting libraries) and sample application configuration files from the Antisamy page.

Practically speaking though, Antisamy is best suited for you when you already have a server-side trip - so its easily used for type 3 XSS. For type 2, if you have a client-side only thing going on, then you have to consider the consequence of having a server round trip just for the validation...

Have a safer day at work (do share any inputs you may have).

Friday, October 24, 2008

Using JConsole to connect to an MBeanServer (JMX agent)

Here's some insights and tips on accessing the JMX Agent using JConsole.

JConsole is the most handy way to connect and test your JMX services since it comes with every JDK from Java 5 onwards. If you have your jdk/bin directory included in your path, it's just a matter of running it from a command prompt by typing:

Its usage is pretty straightforward too. Once it's loaded, you can choose to connect from one of 3 options: Local, Remote and Advanced - there's one tab for each of these.

  1. Local - If you had registered your MBeans with the default JVM's MBean Server, select the Local tab. Here, the MBeans will be automatically displayed and all that needs to be done is to click on Connect.
  2. Remote - I find Advanced is actually simpler than this tab - so skipping this...
  3. Advanced - If you had registered your MBean from an application that you deployed on a J2EE server (like Sun One), then there are a few more steps as you have to use the Advanced tab.
    • Obtain your JMX connection URL either from the admin console or the server.log (it appears right after the server start-up entry - something like service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:8686/management/rmi-jmx-connector).
    • Type this into the JMX URL field.
    • Enter your server's username and password into those respective fields as well and click connect.

That's it! You're connected. You'll see a whole array of information - there's a chance you'd get overloaded! Head on over directly to the MBeans tab - here you can view all the MBeans successfully registered on this MBeanServer, in the Tree view on the left. Again, don't worry if you can't find yours at first - there might be lots of internal MBeans that the server registers that are crowding the list. Your MBean should appear in its fully qualified form, i.e. <<packagename>>.<<classname>>. Its pretty straightforward from here on - you can easily find your exposed methods / attributes and invoke / change them too.

Ok, seemed pretty easy but in real life, you would most probably run intos ome hiccups even before connecting. Most are obvious enough from the error messages. But what if you needed more details than one-line messags to troubleshoot? Unfortunately, the default Jconsole messages are not very helpful.

This is where you have to override the default values to get full stacktraces and much more.
This is a simple 2 step process:

  1. First download my sample log configuration file here.
  2. To enable detail messages, start jconsole with an extra argument:
    jconsole.exe -J-Djava.util.logging.config.file=<<properties>>
    where <<properties>> is the name of the downloaded log configuration file.
And you're done. You should get a detailed breakdown of the steps in between and full stacktrace of any errors in the command prompt window from which you launched JConsole.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Using JMX

JMX is an integral part of J2EE but mostly neglected compared to other aspects. Here's some practical learnings.

JMX is used to manage your application (or even the application server). It's a very simple 3-step process.
  1. You write your Management Beans or MBeans to provide the management functionality.
  2. Then your register your MBean with the MBean Agent (MBean Server).
  3. Now you can manage your application by connecting to the MBean Server and calling the required functionality.
When to use
The decision of when to forgo the use of configuration files and code to update settings and when to use JMX is not clear-cut. It's definitely a better idea when program management forms a larger part since JMX is very scalable. But I think JMX is an even better idea when you have limited managment requirements and don't want to add a custom user interface module just for the management. In this case, JMX allows you to provide the neccessary interface with just 10 lines of code and use of the ubiquitous JConsole to do the agent connection (see my Using JConsole to connect to an MBeanServer post on how to use JConsole for this).

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Must have tools for the Smart Java Professional

Whether it's planning, design, development, reviewing, testing or tuning, there's a wealth of wonderful free (or nearly!) tools out there for the Java professional. It's not like all of them will be useful all the time... but its one of those things you should be knowing. No one wants to be in the situation of having a flat on a lonely highway and not knowing how to change the tire. It really helps to practice and familiarise with certain necessities even though you may not use them everyday.

Here's a list of my favourite tools (I'll stick to free / open-source) which I consider every Java professional should have in reaching distance. I will keep updating this post with useful Java tools - may add separate detailed posts for complex tools... would welcome any suggestions to update this list.

There are plenty of excellent Java Editors and this is what most beginners are encouraged to start with. But I think other than the geek-appeal, a more proficient Java professional should use a full-featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE) - don't give excuses like having to use one more program instead of your all-in-one editor is a pain, or that your IDEs hog your system (come on, you shouldn't be coding if your system is that slow!).
My favourite IDE is Eclipse - it's latest Ganymede release has different packages based on your usage - Java EE Developer, Java Developer, C/C++ Developer, etc, or just get Eclipse Classic.
Other IDEs (all with J2EE development features):
NetBeans - used to be very slow but I'm seeing a LOT OF good reviews about it now!
Oracle JDeveloper - supposed to be ok
IBM WebSphere Studio Site Developer - it's not limited to WebSphere Server btw
WebLogic Workshop - seems to tie you to the Weblogic Server, although that too comes along in the Free version
In general, the trend is love one and hate the rest! So choose wisely...

This is a highly neglected area even though it is most fundamental part of any application especially as we go into the future. My one stop site for this is the Open Web Application Security Project website - Enterprise Security API (ESAPI) & Antisamy are available there. Also see my detailed post on Antisamy.

Code Review
Always ensure any code you touch, whether yours or not, gets time to go through a couple of code review tools. In the heat of reaching a target, developers just can't help taking shortcuts that result in code that can be caught in review tools and some of these mistakes can lead to major headaches at some point or the other.
Some of the common review tools include FindBugs, HammurAPI & CheckStyle. I got some nice feedback for JLint & PMD but I haven't tried them out. Both of these work purely on your source so they are really fast - whereas the other tools actually go through your generated class files and hence would catch logical or even runtime errors.
I should mention that no single review tool does a complete job - when it's upto me, I usually go for a combination of Checkstyle and FindBugs.

One more useful software is an Eclipse plugin called Metrics. This shows minute details of your code including a very good graphical representation of package dependency.

Code Testing
JUnit is the way to go for me but for J2EE applications, Cactus (which extends JUnit) is more suitable if you can stand the complexity. Also, there's Webtest to test interactions with your Web Application.

Code Coverage
EMMA comes to mind as the most comprehensive free tool for this. Emma ensure that there is no unused or poorly used code in use. It can also be used to verify that your Unit Test cases were complete.

User Interface Development
We already know all about the many Frameworks that ultimately give WYSIWYG plugins for our favourite IDE. Here's something different - Metawidget is a 'smart User Interface widget' that populates itself, at runtime, with UI components to match the properties of your business objects - it builds on your underlying framework and so is not competing with it.

Version Control
This doesn't really come in the category of a developer but just listing it to be complete - CVS and Subversion. See here for a good tutorial on how to use these.

HTTP Analyser
OpenScarab: Simple powerful small Java app that inspects all http traffic and shows full request response details - also allows you to tamper inject data... OpenSource, Java

Last Updated: 22-Oct-2010

Macro to fetch email addresses for a list of names from Exchange server

I came across an interesting problem the other day... one of my colleagues had left our firm in a hurry. But she wanted to send a farewell mail to all her colleagues - she'd got a list of names by copying the names in the "To" list from a mail opened in her office Outlook. However, these were only names (as they existed in our Exchange Server) and did not contain the actual email address.

I thought it was a simple thing to give her the email address list corresponding to those names right from my Outlook window... but after a frustrating 60 mins of trying all possible combinations, I had to accept defeat.

Instead, I made a little macro that does the job - just provide the list of names as on the exchange server, and it will fill the next column with the email addreses. Download the Excel sheet having macro here .. Check out the Readme worksheet for instructions.

You should have a signed-in session with Outlook connected to your Exchange server before running the macro.

For those who are curious about how it works, the code simply accesses the Global Address List of your exchange server through your signed in Outlook account, fetches the usernames (cn values from the exchange directory) and then manually appends the company domain (this is configurable) to it. Of course it won't work for those with multiple company domains... You can check out the code in the macro's section of the excel sheet (press Alt-F11 after opening the excel sheet).

For more robust handling like getting the correct whole smtp address (instead of appending the domain manually) is possible but it would entail using extended MAPI (lots n lots of code) or extra libraries CDO / Redemption with C++.

But VBA suits my purpose. And that's what good software is all about - meeting the need (not the wants)!
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